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The harsh reality of life with an unusual phobia

Mindspa Phobia Clinic • January 19, 2025

Guy Baglow, clinical lead at the Mindspa Phobia Clinic, was interviewed in an article about the treatment of unusual phobias

Article by Emine Saner of The Guardian newspaper

21 November 2024

‘I can cope with someone eating one, although I might try to get as far away from them as possible.’ 

The news that a Swedish politician has rooms swept for the fruit prompted online mockery last week. But for those who face bizarre and irrational fears – from buttons to crumpets – the everyday struggle is far from amusing.

As ever when it comes to bananas, Sarah has been on high alert this week, after the revelation that a Swedish government minister, Paulina Brandberg, has a banana phobia severe enough that aides must ensure there are “no traces” of the fruit anywhere in her vicinity. “We will secure the conference so that there are no bananas,” promised the organisers of one event, in emails leaked to a Swedish newspaper.


While most of the coverage has been mocking, for Sarah, it is entirely understandable – she also has a banana phobia. She is so attuned to the threat that she can sniff out a banana, or a recently consumed one, in a room. “Then, I often have a strong disgust response,” she says. This usually involves feeling sick. “There’s also a hypervigilance, so I’ll be acutely aware of where they are and feel them drawing my attention.”

It wasn’t always the case. Like most babies and toddlers, Sarah loved bananas. Then, when she was about four, she went off them, seemingly overnight. Sarah, a neuroscientist, says she doesn’t remember any “adverse incident”, but adds: “Based on the theory of phobias, one would hypothesise that something had happened, that I’d interacted with one negatively, given it came on so fast.”

Banana-phobe Swedish minister’s staff insisted on ‘no traces in the room’

For those of us who have never interacted with a banana negatively, it can be hard to understand, which Sarah accepts. As a teenager, it was embarrassing, “because it’s a bit more of a comedy fruit”. At university, her housemates would prank her: “They’d hide them in my bed and leave little notes.” She laughs – she is able to see the funny side, even while barely disguising her disgust. “They were my friends; it’s gentle teasing.” At least the bananas were not unpeeled. If it had been a naked banana? “Oh my God,” she says, voice rising. “I can’t even imagine. I’d make them change the sheets.”

These days, Sarah largely has it under control. She can go to the supermarket and steer clear of the bananas, comforted by the fact the store is large and airy. It’s worse in a meeting room with a fruit bowl on the table, a banana squatting menacingly. “I’ll just sit far away from it. I can cope with someone eating one, although I might try to get as far away from them as possible. But when someone surprises me or I can’t escape, I might get more panicky.”

Once, she was on a flight and woke to discover everyone around her had been delivered their morning snack – a banana. Recently, she was on a bus and had to move away from a discarded peel. “Most of the time, you can avoid them. I’ve learned to find tactful ways of removing myself without making it obvious,” she says.

Sarah has published research on ways to treat other phobias, although she has no intention of trying to cure herself. “Even though it’s not necessarily practical to have a banana phobia, the thought of having to go through exposure therapy feels so horrific that I prefer to keep the phobia.” She has a scientist’s interest, though, and has tracked down stories about others with rare phobias. “There seem to be things that you would think are really unusual that come up a bit more prominently than chance – bananas seems to be one of them,” she says. “Buttons is another. It doesn’t seem to be completely random.”

The rational side of our brain tells us we’re being irrational, but we still can’t stop feeling that way


Fear of spiders or snakes is understandable from an evolutionary perspective, she says. With bananas, “I’ve speculated that they have quite a distinctive smell and texture, which seems to be entwined with a disgust response”. Perhaps our survival instinct, she suggests, is to avoid foods that are “mushy”, which might indicate they are rotten.

Sarah knows her banana phobia is odd, although its comic nature brings its own problems (nobody, surely, would put a spider in the bed of an arachnophobe). She doesn’t tend to tell people, even though it affects her. In her professional life, she worries that “it might make me seem ridiculous and less credible” (neuroscience, like politics, is still dominated by men).

“The rational side of our brain tells us we’re being irrational, but we still can’t stop feeling that way,” says Dave Smithson, a spokesperson for Anxiety UK. Phobias tend to be learned – my arachnophobia probably comes from my mother, who probably got it from her mother, and so on. But they can also develop, at any age, due to trauma.

Smithson says Anxiety UK has a long list of reported phobias: “Things you just never would have imagined – shadows, animal skin, railways, fear of gravity. What would cause that? But it can happen. People have fears about all sorts of things.” What makes it harder for those with more unusual phobias is the fear of being ridiculed. “They don’t talk about it, they don’t seek help. People will organise their lives around not facing that fear.”

Because many people keep their phobias to themselves and few seek treatment, phobias are not a well-researched area of anxiety and their prevalence is tricky to ascertain. The most recent Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey for England, which is 10 years old, found that 2.4% of people had a phobia. In the US, an estimated 12.5% of adults experience a phobia at some point, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

The “medicalisation” of a phobia is a relatively recent concept, says Joanna Bourke, a historian and the author of Fear: A Cultural History. “People have been frightened of things for ever, but ‘phobias’ is a late 18th-century concept,” she says. “Even such a thing as agoraphobia, which is the most researched of all the phobias – the fear of open spaces – is a late-19th-century invention. To some extent, they are culturally constructed. What we are afraid of reflects new technologies, new things in our environment.” Our ancestors may well have been afraid of spiders or heights, but they won’t have had a phobia about air travel.

Kate Summerscale details unusual phobias in The Book of Phobias and Manias. Although clowns have been disturbing for centuries, a phobia of clowns (coulrophobia) is a late-20th-century idea. Summerscale traces it to the conviction in 1980 of an Illinois

serial killer and children’s entertainer, then the popularity of Stephen King’s horror novel It.

Summerscale traces trypophobia – a fear of a cluster of small holes – to an image that spread around the internet in 2003, supposedly showing a maggot-infested breast. It was fake, but plenty of people have expressed their horror of clustered holes in everything from crumpets to, in 2019, the grouped camera lenses on the back of the iPhone 11 Pro. (Evolutionary psychologists have theorised that being averse to clustered holes or bumps could be our warning system against infectious disease.)

People can develop exaggerated fears of things that most of us are frightened of – death, illness – but one theory for specific, unusual fears is that it involves “some kind of displacement from something that’s unconsciously frightening”, says Bourke. An object such as a banana or a ball of cotton wool becomes a stand-in for the underlying fear.

Cognitive behavioural therapy, which can include gradual exposure to the fear, is widely used to treat phobias. Virtual reality has been introduced, too; one study found that “very brief exposure” therapy – so quick that the person isn’t even aware they have seen an image – may work.

Guy Baglow, the clinical lead at the Mindspa Phobia Clinic in London’s Harley Street, uses neurolinguistic programming (NLP) – a way of changing thinking patterns – to disrupt the association between an object and fear. Although NLP, which has been around since the 1970s, has its detractors – who say there has not been enough rigorous evidence for it – Baglow insists it can work quickly for phobias.

In 20 years, he has come across banana phobia only twice, he says. In one case, a woman had, as a child, accidentally electrocuted herself at the same time her eyes fixed on a bowl of bananas. “The bananas got associated with the shock,” he says. “The mind creates patterns so it can avoid things in future that might be dangerous or threatening.”

Baglow says one man had a tomato phobia associated with cruelty he experienced in childhood. “You can have a phobia of anything, because trauma can attach to pretty much any object or situation,” he says. “It’s the survival response gone slightly awry.” Phobias can have a significant impact, no matter how ridiculous they may seem to others. “Avoidance, which is one of the key definers of phobia, can lead to all kinds of behaviours and can really restrict people’s lives.”

Avoidance is Keir Gale’s main strategy, although it’s hard – he has a phobia of buttons, which is common enough to have been given a name: koumpounophobia. Buttons, once you start to notice them, are everywhere. “I have to avert my eyes if they’re obvious on

somebody’s clothing,” says Gale. He has had to explain to people why he can’t look at them. What happens when he encounters a button? “I feel nauseous. If I touch one, which you have to do from time to time, I have to wipe my fingers afterwards, because I feel like they’re dirty and greasy and generally unpleasant.” He experiences “a kind of crawling sensation in the skin”. Just the sound of buttons from a shirt or jacket sleeve clattering on a table makes him squirm. “Almost every sensory input is affected.”


He has had what he describes as a revulsion, rather than a fear, for as long as he can remember – his mother would have to remove buttons from his clothing. Gale, who is retired, sometimes had to wear formal clothing for work, which was difficult. These days, he can wear trousers with a button fastening as long as it can be covered by a belt. “Duvet covers have always been a problem and I’ve tried to find ones with poppers. If I think my feet might touch them while I’m in bed, I get very anxious.” Buttons on upholstery are horrifying.

I fit it into my day – I anticipate the amount of extra time it’s going to take me so I don’t have to walk across grass

He is a little embarrassed about it, he says, adding that those who do know “don’t really have any idea how deep the impact is, so they don’t necessarily take precautions”. They don’t ridicule him, but there is certainly bewilderment. “Which is fair enough – I’m bewildered. For them, it’s nothing, but to me it’s very real. My mind won’t let me believe that other people aren’t bothered by them.” He suspects he is neurodiverse and that his phobia is related. I realise that, throughout our phone call, he hasn’t once uttered the word “button”. “I hate it. I don’t like having to say the word.”

Bettina Hunt, an author of romcom novels, has a phobia of grass. “I just don’t like what might be underneath it, like the mud and things coming out of it.” It’s hard to explain, she says – irrationality being central to many phobias – but it’s not merely a fear of dirt or grime. She can tolerate a lush green lawn, perhaps at a stately home, “but I wouldn’t want to walk on it”. The idea of sitting on grass is impossible. “Picnics? Absolute nightmare. I’ll do anything to avoid them. If I absolutely have to, then I will stand up.” She has never walked barefoot on a lawn. She has hated grass for as long as she can remember. She never wanted to go to the park, like other children, and avoided PE at school. Being made to do a wheelbarrow race, on her hands, her face close to the strands, as another child held her feet, remains a visceral and revolting memory. She has a patio, but has never been to the shed at the bottom of the garden, because it involves crossing grass. Hunt lives by a green, which the rest of her family cut across; she takes the long way round. “I fit it into my day – I anticipate the amount of extra time it’s going to take me so I don’t have to walk across grass.”

Polly Barrett has a balloon phobia, which has meant literally running away from the things. “When I see a balloon, I usually start to get really hot and sweaty. My breathing gets quite shallow and fast and I have the feeling of fight or flight,” she says. “Then comes extreme embarrassment, because it’s ridiculous.” Once, she was in a restaurant when someone sat at the next table with a toddler who had a balloon. The more Barrett tried to suppress her rising discomfort, the worse it got: “I ended up bursting into tears and running out.”


Her fear comes from the balloon’s potential to pop – she can’t handle the sight of a balloon waving around, or two balloons rubbing together – and is linked to her other phobia: sudden loud noises. She has experienced this for as long as she can remember. As a child, a noisy boom or loud music could make her burst into tears; even now, a surprising bang, like a car tyre blowing out, can provoke the same reaction.

Intriguingly, Barrett is a musician – her sensitivity to sound is obviously a benefit in making music, even if it comes with the potential for shock. When she works with sound engineers, she tells them she can’t handle the popping or squeaking that comes from tweaking equipment. Friends ensure no balloons are present at the parties to which she takes her children. These days, she is more open about it and people are understanding. “It’s only in the last couple of years that I’ve properly acknowledged and owned it, because for ages I was so embarrassed.” She thinks she should probably do something about it, “because I don’t know what it’s linked to in the rest of my psyche. If I got over this fear, maybe it would give me this whole new lease of life.”

A cause for celebration, perhaps – at which she may tolerate balloons and the popping of champagne corks.

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Chris Evans, The Guardian, 12 June 2017
By support November 2, 2017
The Fast Phobia Cure (also known as the Rewind Technique or, in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), as “The Visual-Kinaesthetic Dissociation Technique”) is an advanced tool to decondition phobias and trauma (such as PTSD). Its efficacy has been assessed in many academic papers such as the work by Gray & Liotta. It’s safe, gentle and without the drugs, scare tactics, psychological archaeology and exposure used by the older and less effective phobia treatments. The Fast Phobia Cure* is now widely accepted as the most reliable and effective treatment for all kinds of phobias, even long-standing and severe ones. It’s probably the single most reliable and effective tool in psychotherapy today and is being used more and more as a front-line treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder including trauma caused by accidents, assaults, war and witnessing critical incidents. If you have ever seen someone being almost instantly released from their phobia on TV and thought “Wow, how did they do that?” you can bet the therapist used The Fast Phobia Cure. So how does it work? A phobia is driven by a pattern-matching process whereby the unconscious mind creates “fear templates” around “dangerous” things or situations to try and keep you safe from the imagined threat in future. It then broadly matches these patterns to more and more situations as a phobia develops. What Fast Phobia Cure does, in a very creative way, is interfere with those patterns – it subtly changes the templates by changing the way we experience the memories – so when the unconscious mind tries to match the patterns, they don’t match anymore and the anxiety is no longer triggered. The templates (memories) will still be there, they will just feel different. The emotional tag will be gone. The phobia just won’t work anymore. This can all be done very quickly because the brain learns very fast. It learned to be phobic very fast. Teaching it how not to be phobic can be, and is necessarily, equally fast. It does not take long-term treatment. The mind can then start to generalise outwards, but this time in a very positive way, as it begins to associate more and more situations with feelings of calm and control. One of the great things about The Fast Phobia Cure is that it is non-intrusive: the therapist doesn’t need to know the precise details of the traumatic memories or phobic encounters because the sufferer brings their content (their experiences) to the process. The methodology of the Fast Phobia Cure was first developed by Richard Bandler, one of the founders of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) – the new science of excellence and personal change. It is so effective at detraumatising memories that it is being used more and more as a front-line treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder including trauma caused by accidents, assaults, war and witnessing critical incidents.
By Mindspa Limited October 27, 2017
Phobias are not the same as normal fear responses. It is normal, for example, to experience some fear when on a precipice or in the presence of a snake. But not to be terrified at the thought of a high place or snake. It is the overwhelming terror that distinguishes a phobia. If you have a phobia you will be able to induce some of the common fear responses – shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness, nausea, increased heart-rate, flushing, shaking – just by thinking about the trigger. You are likely to have only one phobia. You may have other fears, but probably only one phobia. People generally seem to have the capacity for one proper phobia.
By support October 19, 2017
Our clients bring with them some very interesting examples of phobias. These phobias fall into two types: Specific or Simple phobias These are phobias linked to a specific object or situation. Examples are spiders, snakes, bees, worms, frogs, birds, dogs, cats, hedgehogs, goldfish, sharks, vomiting, driving , flying clowns, balloons, thunder, needles, blood, dentists, beards, buttons, velvet, feathers, lifts and marbles. Specific phobias can also be generalised – for example to all slimy green reptiles rather than just frogs. This seems to happen when the original traumatic event can’t be recalled. Non-specific phobias These phobias produce a more general anxiety or terror linked to social or performance situations and are often accompanied by panic attacks. Agoraphobia (open spaces), claustrophobia (confined spaces) and social phobia (public speaking, being the centre of attention) are non-specific phobias.
By Mindspa Limited October 19, 2017
Most people know the technical, scientific name for their phobia. This may give them some comfort: it has a name so they know they are not the first person in the world to have the phobia. But whatever the phobia, someone else has it whether or not it has been given a Greek/Latin name. And knowing its name probably hasn’t helped them deal with it. In fact, just the opposite: we know that some phobics experience anxiety at the mention of the scientific name. A person with a phobia of long words won’t be helped by knowing they have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. So we rarely use these names in our clinics and we haven’t listed them here.
By support October 19, 2017
There are two parts to your mind – one that thinks, and one that feels. The thinking part is the conscious, rational mind that you are using now as you read this. The feeling part is the unconscious, emotional mind. It takes care of automatic tasks like regulating the heart, controlling pain and managing our instincts. It’s the unconscious mind that is programmed to act instinctively in times of danger. It reacts very fast – making you run or fight – rather than allowing your thinking mind to philosophise while you are attacked by a tiger. This has great survival value. The unconscious mind is also a very fast learner. The same emergency route that can bypass the rational mind in times of danger can also stamp strong emotional experiences (traumatic ones) in the unconscious mind. This makes evolutionary sense – it ensures that we have vivid imprints of the things that threaten us. And just like we have two minds, so we have two memory systems: one for the facts and one for the emotions that may or may not go with those facts. Sometimes, when a person experiences a very traumatic event, the highly emotional memory of the event becomes trapped – locked in the emotional brain. In an area called the amygdala – the emotional storehouse. There is no chance for the rational mind to process it and save it as an ordinary, non-threatening memory in factual storage (in the hippocampus). Like the memory of what you did last Sunday. Instead, the emotional brain holds onto this unprocessed reaction pattern because it thinks it needs it for survival. And it will trigger it whenever you encounter a situation or object that is anything like the original trauma. It doesn’t have to be a precise match. This is pure survival again. You only need to see part of a tiger through the bushes for the fear reaction to kick in again – for the “fight or flight” response to trigger – you don’t have to wait until you see the whole tiger or identify it exactly as the tiger that attacked you before. In fact, it probably only has to be something orange and black moving through the bushes. This is why the pattern matching process is necessarily approximate, or sloppy. You err on the side of safety. You don’t have to have all the details to know if something is dangerous. This is the basis of a phobia: a fear response attached to something that was present in the original trauma. The response is terror, shaking, sweating, heart pounding etc. And because of the sloppy pattern-matching it can be stuck to literally anything – animal, mineral or vegetable. It may not even be glued to the thing that caused the trauma. So, a child attacked in a pram by a dog may develop a phobia of prams rather than of dogs. It is because phobias are created in this way, by our natural psycho-neurology, that they are so common. It’s the way we are wired. Approximately 10% of people have a phobia. And it’s precisely because they are created by the unconscious mind that they seem so irrational. Of course they are – the rational thinking brain hasn’t had a chance to go to work on them. Many traditional phobia treatments, including drugs, attempt to deal with the phobia by calming things down after this response pattern has triggered. They treat the symptoms, not the cause. To treat the cause, this trapped traumatic memory has to be turned into, and saved as, an ordinary unemotional memory of a past event. The emotional tag, the terror response, needs to be unstuck from that object or situation. This is exactly what the Fast Phobia Cure* does. It allows you to review the traumatic event or memory from a calm and dissociated, or disconnected, state. Your rational mind can then do its work in turning the memory into an ordinary, neutral, non-threatening one. And store it in factual memory where it should have been to start with. This happens very quickly. The mind learns fast. It learned the fear response quickly and it learns the neutral response just as quickly. And when that happens your phobia is gone. You are free.
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