Logo of The Mindspa Phobia Clinic in Harley Street, London, UK

Glossophobia, fear of public speaking or stage fright 

"Thank you for the work you did with me. The event yesterday went very well. When I got up to speak, I was confident and composed. I think my phobia has now been cured."

Craig B 

“Thank you. This is life-changing, and I can’t believe it took just two Zoom sessions with you.”  

John F       Politician

Quote about how we deal with the hardcore fear of public speaking which is way beyond not liking to speak in public

If you have a serious and debilitating fear of public speaking that's interfering with your life and you are serious about getting help then you're in the right place.

Because the fear of public speaking (or glossophobia) is the most common thing we treat in our clinics. So although it might feel like you are alone, or that you have it worse than anyone else, you are not alone and this really can be changed. And we have a unique program to help you that is like no other treatment .

What is public speaking phobia?

Public speaking fear and anxiety is a form of social phobia called glossophobia – an intense and irrational fear of being judged by others when speaking in front of them – or of making mistakes, being embarrassed or humiliated in such situations – causing dread, panic and avoidance.

Sufferers recognise that their fear and anxiety is excessive or unreasonable but they feel powerless to do anything to change their responses. So the feared situations – such as presentations, wedding speeches, meetings or even one-to-ones – are avoided or else endured with intense anxiety or distress.

In work situations the fear most commonly occurs around formal presentations and meetings. It can then spread out to smaller groups, to conference calls, to informal situations like one-on-one conversations (especially with more senior people) and to things like introducing oneself on a course. It can then even spill into social situations with friends and family.

The Spotlight Effect

When sufferers feel that all eyes are upon them – “The Spotlight Effect” – their acute self-awareness makes it very difficult to focus on what is going on around them, to remember their speech, to read from notes or follow a meeting. Their mind goes blank or foggy. Their distress and anxiety are further fuelled by their efforts to hide or mask their discomfort which may become apparent through blushing, facial immobility, sweating, shaking, twitching, or an inability to look up or to speak normally or coherently.

Some of these feelings may be present for some time before the event – weeks and even months beforehand – and may be accompanied by sleeping problems, stomach upset and loss of appetite. Life becomes a nightmare from the moment they know they have to speak. It can feel like a death sentence. Not only that, but the anxiety may linger afterwards as the sufferer analyses and ruminates on how they did and how other people may have judged them.

Fear of public speaking is distinguished from shyness by the intense, often debilitating, fear it generates. At its worst it will end in a panic attack when talking. So it’s way beyond shyness or butterflies. We are talking hardcore white-knuckle fear.

Who does glossophobia affect?

Most people with a fear of public speaking are normal, intelligent, happy and well-balanced. They often come across to friends and colleagues as confident and outgoing.

Many of the people we treat in our clinics are very successful, so they have risen to a level in their career where they are more and more called upon to share their knowledge and expertise and lead projects, teams, departments or even organisations. But in these situations they come across as reserved, disinterested or unenthusiastic because they have got this phobia, this thing.

So it’s very frustrating because a part of them (the rational thinking part) knows that it doesn’t make sense. They know their subject – that’s why they have been asked to talk – and they know the situation is non-threatening. But they nevertheless find that when they are asked to talk in front of a group, another part of them (the irrational unconscious part) drives out rational thought and fear floods in.

In our experience it is the more imaginative, creative or artistic people who are more prone to developing phobias. This is because phobias have a lot to do with the misuse of the imagination. That’s why we treat all kinds of people in our clinics: from psychiatrists to politicians, from students to teachers, from Special Forces to City bankers terrified of the spotlight. We have treated them all and at all extremes: from mild panic to people who have passed out when speaking in public.

Safety behaviours & avoidance

Safety and avoidance strategies are used by the sufferer to reduce the danger and to control, accommodate and conceal their panic and embarrassment.

Energy and time are used in planning and avoiding the presentation, meeting, seminar or speech. Elaborate ways are created to reduce or hide their distress or to produce distractions from it. Sufferers may self-medicate with alcohol. Sickness may be feigned. Annual leave may be booked to avoid speaking events. People and situations may be manipulated. Careers may be blighted: jobs and promotions may be turned down – because they may entail more presenting – or jobs may be left because of their fears of “discovery”.

Many people with glossophobia accommodate their fear and anxiety  accommodate their phobia like this for a long time – typically for years, even decades - hoping that it may somehow get better by itself. We are often surprised at just how far people get in life and have still managed to avoid public speaking.

But over time these “solutions” become part of the problem, using up time, energy and attention needed for other things. The avoidance and manipulation become too risky – threatening jobs or relationships – or a presentation or speech (like a wedding, award acceptance or leaving speech) just can’t be avoided. When this happens most sufferers think “enough is enough”. And do something about it. And get help.

The causes of glossophobia

Fear of public speaking can be caused by many things. It can be an extension of childhood shyness reinforced by bad experiences of reading aloud in class or presenting work at college or university.

Glossophobia can also start later in life, often at a time when background stress levels have been raised by other things like relationships or work. Then something happens that the individual can usually cope with but because of the background stress they tip into a mild panic attack. This is frightening and embarrassing. It destroys self-confidence. And it builds into a phobia as the sufferer starts to fear it happening again and begins to panic about panicking, to fear the fear .

At the start, it may take some time for people to recognise that they have a phobia. They may mistakenly put it down to excessive shyness. But then the panic starts to occur more frequently and consistently and a pattern emerges. The response is reinforced each time it happens and they panic, and each time they avoid speaking in public and feel relief.

How we can help you

We have developed The Public Speaking Phobia Cure Program* to help you overcome glossophobia.

A woman speaking to a group of businesspeople with a quote about how the public speaking program is about being free of fear

A phobia of public speaking is like getting a puncture: it happens to lots of people, it can happen to anyone, it makes speaking to groups very difficult or impossible, it’s very frustrating, and it doesn’t matter when, where or how you got it: you just know you’ve got it and that it can be fixed.

We do this fixing using The Fast Phobia Cure. It’s fast, gentle and without the scare tactics and exposure used by the older and less effective phobia treatments. It simply allows your mind to re-evaluate speaking situations as non-threatening. It does this by engaging the part of your mind that has run the phobia – the imaginative creative side – which, as you have found out, is stronger than logic, reason and willpower have ever been.

And it requires just two pleasant treatment sessions at one of our private clinics (or online over Zoom) to be free of your fear of public speaking. 

Like no other glossophobia treatment

What makes The Public Speaking Phobia Cure different from other approaches is that we are therapists who specialize in fears and phobias. We are not trainers, actors or fist-pumping coaches. We are not even general therapists. We are specialist phobia therapists who focus on eliminating the fear because this is where you need help. Because you can do the rest well enough when the fear is gone.

So forget about facing your fear in front of a room full of people on a public speaking skills course, because this isn’t about how to plan, structure and pace your presentation or speech. Or how to use PowerPoint, "find your voice" or "know your audience". And this isn’t about turning you into a great speaker or somehow enjoying it. Because right now you probably just want to do it without the debilitating fear. So you don’t need a presentation skills course. Or lots of tricks and tips to manage your fear. You just want it gone.

So our program is about getting you comfortable so you can do it the way you probably know you can do it. Once you are calm and comfortable in front of groups, then you can start thinking about how good you can be and what that will mean in your life. But right now you probably just want to do an adequate job and feel okay about it. 

You have the speaking skills. You have the knowledge. You know how to structure a talk. You know what you want to say and how you want to say it. But it's the fear that gets in your way. And that's where we come in.

What to do next

If you are reading this and think this is what you have been looking for then take the next step and call us now for a free consultation with a specialist about how your fear has been affecting you and how we can help you.
If you have read this page and this sounds like you and you are serious about getting help then call us on 0800 302 9452 to take part in the program.
In the media
See what they have written about us:
Article in The Telegraph about the Mindspa Phobia Clinic and a quick cure for glossophobia
Article in The Guardian about the Mindspa Phobia Clinic and treatment and help to overcome phobias

Online sessions

We primarily deliver our program face-to-face over Zoom video calls. It's exactly the same as our in-clinic program and equally effective.

More >

Visiting us
Sessions run mornings, afternoons and evenings on weekdays and weekends. Our main clinic is in Harley Street, London, UK

Find us
Map & directions pdf
Map & directions pdf
Google maps
The Phobia Clinic


Public speaking phobia 
fear and anxiety

“Thank you. This is life-changing, and I can’t believe it took just two Zoom sessions with you.” 

John F  Politician

Quote about how we deal with the hardcore fear of public speaking which is way beyond not liking to speak in public


Glossophobia, fear of public speaking or stage fright 

"Thank you for the work you did with me. The event yesterday went very well. When I got up to speak, I was confident and composed. I think my phobia has now been cured."

Craig B 

“Thank you. This is life-changing, and I can’t believe it took just two Zoom sessions with you.”  

John F       Politician

Quote about how we deal with the hardcore fear of public speaking which is way beyond not liking to speak in public

If you have a serious and debilitating fear of public speaking that's interfering with your life and you are serious about getting help then you're in the right place.

Because the fear of public speaking (or glossophobia) is the most common thing we treat in our clinics. So although it might feel like you are alone, or you have it worse than anyone else, you are not alone and this really can be changed. And we have a powerful program to help you that is like no other treatment.

If you have a serious and debilitating fear of public speaking that's interfering with your life and you are serious about getting help then you're in the right place.

Because the fear of public speaking (or glossophobia) is the most common thing we treat in our clinics. So although it might feel like you are alone, or that you have it worse than anyone else, you are not alone and this really can be changed. And we have a unique program to help you that is like no other treatment .

What is public speaking phobia?

Public speaking fear and anxiety is a form of social phobia called glossophobia  – an intense and irrational fear of being judged by others when speaking in front of them – or of making mistakes, being embarrassed or humiliated in such situations – causing dread, panic and avoidance.

Sufferers recognise that their fear and anxiety is excessive or unreasonable but they feel powerless to do anything to change their responses. So the feared situations – such as presentations, wedding speeches, meetings or even one-to-ones – are avoided or else endured with intense anxiety or distress.

In work situations the fear most commonly occurs around formal presentations and meetings. It can then spread out to smaller groups, to conference calls, to informal situations like one-on-one conversations (especially with more senior people) and to things like introducing oneself on a course. It can then even spill into social situations with friends and family.

The Spotlight Effect

When sufferers feel that all eyes are upon them – The Spotlight Effect – their acute self-awareness makes it very difficult to focus on what is going on around them, to remember their speech, to read from notes or follow a meeting. Their mind goes blank or foggy. Their distress and anxiety are further fuelled by their efforts to hide or mask their discomfort which may become apparent through blushing, facial immobility, sweating, shaking, twitching, or an inability to look up or to speak normally or coherently.

Some of these feelings may be present for some time before the event – weeks and even months beforehand – and may be accompanied by sleeping problems, stomach upset and loss of appetite. Life becomes a nightmare from the moment they know they have to speak. It can feel like a death sentence. Not only that, but the anxiety may linger afterwards as the sufferer analyses and ruminates on how they did and how other people may have judged them.

Fear of public speaking is distinguished from shyness by the intense, often debilitating, fear it generates. At its worst it will end in a panic attack when talking. So it’s way beyond shyness or butterflies. We are talking hardcore white-knuckle fear.

Who does glossophobia affect?

Most people with a fear of public speaking are normal, intelligent, happy and well-balanced. They often come across to friends and colleagues as confident and outgoing.

Many of the people we treat in our clinics are very successful, so they have risen to a level in their career where they are more and more called upon to share their knowledge and expertise and lead projects, teams, departments or even organisations. But in these situations they come across as reserved, disinterested or unenthusiastic because they have got this phobia, this thing.

So it’s very frustrating because a part of them (the rational thinking part) knows that it doesn’t make sense. They know their subject – that’s why they have been asked to talk – and they know the situation is non-threatening. But they nevertheless find that when they are asked to talk in front of a group, another part of them (the irrational unconscious part) drives out rational thought and fear floods in.

In our experience it is the more imaginative, creative or artistic people who are more prone to developing phobias. This is because phobias have a lot to do with the misuse of the imagination. That’s why we treat all kinds of people in our clinics: from psychiatrists to politicians, from students to teachers, from Special Forces to City bankers terrified of the spotlight. We have treated them all and at all extremes: from mild panic to people who have passed out when speaking in public.

Safety behaviours & avoidance

Safety and avoidance strategies are used by the sufferer to reduce the danger and to control, accommodate and conceal their panic and embarrassment.

Energy and time are used in planning and avoiding the presentation, meeting, seminar or speech. Elaborate ways are created to reduce or hide their distress or to produce distractions from it. Sufferers may self-medicate with alcohol. Sickness may be feigned. Annual leave may be booked to avoid speaking events. People and situations may be manipulated. Careers may be blighted: jobs and promotions may be turned down – because they may entail more presenting – or jobs may be left because of their fears of “discovery”.

Many people with glossophobia accommodate their fear and anxiety like this for a long time – typically for years, even decades - hoping that it may somehow get better by itself. We are often surprised at just how far people get in life and have still managed to avoid public speaking.

But over time these “solutions” become part of the problem, using up time, energy and attention needed for other things. The avoidance and manipulation become too risky – threatening jobs or relationships – or a presentation or speech (like a wedding, award acceptance or leaving speech) just can’t be avoided. When this happens most sufferers think “enough is enough”. And do something about it. And get help .

The causes of glossophobia

Fear of public speaking can be caused by many things. It can be an extension of childhood shyness reinforced by bad experiences of reading aloud in class or presenting work at college or university.

Glossophobia can also start later in life, often at a time when background stress levels have been raised by other things like relationships or work. Then something happens that the individual can usually cope with but because of the background stress they tip into a mild panic attack. This is frightening and embarrassing. It destroys self-confidence. And it builds into a phobia as the sufferer starts to fear it happening again and begins to panic about panicking, to fear the fear.

At the start, it may take some time for people to recognise that they have a phobia. They may mistakenly put it down to excessive shyness. But then the panic starts to occur more frequently and consistently and a pattern emerges. The response is reinforced each time it happens and they panic, and each time they avoid speaking in public and feel relief.

How we can help you

We have developed The Public Speaking Phobia Cure Program* to help you overcome glossophobia.

A woman speaking to a group of businesspeople with a quote about how the public speaking program is about being free of fear
A woman speaking to a group of businesspeople with a quote about how the public speaking program is about being free of fear

A phobia of public speaking is like getting a puncture: it happens to lots of people, it can happen to anyone, it makes speaking to groups very difficult or impossible, it’s very frustrating, and it doesn’t matter when, where or how you got it: you just know you’ve got it and that it can be fixed.

We do this fixing using the Fast Phobia Cure. It’s fast, gentle and without the scare tactics and exposure used by the older and less effective phobia treatments. It simply allows your mind to re-evaluate speaking situations as non-threatening. It does this by engaging the part of your mind that has run the phobia – the imaginative creative side – which, as you have found out, is stronger than logic, reason and willpower have ever been.

And it requires just two pleasant treatment sessions at one of our private clinics (or online over Zoom) to be free of your fear of public speaking. 

Like no other glossophobia treatment

What makes The Public Speaking Phobia Cure  * different from other approaches is that we are therapists who specialize in fears and phobias. We are not trainers, actors or fist-pumping coaches. We are not even general therapists. We are specialist phobia therapists who  focus on eliminating the fear because this is where you need help. Because you can do the rest well enough when the fear is gone.

So forget about facing your fear in front of a room full of people on a public speaking skills course , because this isn’t about how to plan, structure and pace your presentation or speech. Or how to use PowerPoint, "find your voice" or "know your audience". And this isn’t about turning you into a great speaker or somehow enjoying it. Because right now you probably just want to do it without the debilitating fear. So you don’t need a presentation skills course. Or lots of tricks and tips to manage your fear. You just want it gone.

So our program is about getting you comfortable so you can do it the way you probably know you can do it.  Once you are calm and comfortable in front of groups, then you can start thinking about how good you can be and what that will mean in your life. But right now you probably just want to do an adequate job and feel okay about it

You have the speaking skills. You have the knowledge. You know how to structure a talk. You know what you want to say and how you want to say it. But it's the fear that gets in your way. And that's where we come in.

What to do next

If you are reading this and think this is what you have been looking for then take the next step and call us now for a free consultation with a specialist about how your fear has been affecting you and how we can help you.

Or take a few minutes to look at what’s in the program, why you should choose us and what it costs. Then get in touch.

If you are reading this page and  this sounds like you and you think this is what you have been looking for then take the next step and call us now for a free consultation with a specialist about how your fear has been affecting you and how we can help you.

If you have read this page and this sounds like you and you are serious about getting help then call us now on 0800 302 9452  to take part in the program.
In the media

See what they have 

written about us:

Article in The Telegraph about the Mindspa Phobia Clinic and a quick cure for glossophobia
Article in The Guardian about the Mindspa Phobia Clinic and treatment and help to overcome phobias

Online sessions

We primarily deliver our program face-to-face over Zoom video calls. It's exactly the same as our in-clinic program and equally effective.

More >

Visiting us
Sessions run mornings, afternoons and evenings on weekdays and weekends. Our main clinic is in Harley Street, London, UK

Find us
Map & directions pdf
Map & directions pdf
Google maps

"When I had finished my session I could have delivered a presentation to a room of thousands or simple just taken on the world…wow! I wish I had cleared my phobia years ago!"

Paula S

"You are a miracle worker! I felt tense before, but as soon as I was up the words just started to flow. It was a fantastic feeling. I was thanked and congratulated by people after, which was an awesome feeling. Many many many thanks, this is life changing." 

John Mc F

A smiling man who has overcome stage fright in business presentations

What our clients say *

"You are a miracle worker! I felt tense before, but as soon as I was up the words just started to flow. It was a fantastic feeling. I was thanked and congratulated by people after, which was an awesome feeling. Many many many thanks, this is life changing." 

John McF

“At the end of the two hour session I feel weirdly confident: I could almost rush straight to Speakers’ Corner and let rip.”

Lucy Atkins 
Daily Telegraph

More testimonials + About our program +

Frequently asked questions about glossophobia

Frequently asked questions

about glossophobia

  • What causes public speaking phobia?

    Fear of public speaking can be caused by an extension of childhood shyness reinforced by bad experiences of reading aloud in class or presenting work at college or university. 

    Or it can start later in life, often at a time when background stress levels are high. Then because things are more sensitive, something the individual can usually cope with (like talking in a meeting or giving a presentation) tips them into mild panic. This sets up the phobic response.

    Read more about: What causes glossophobia?

  • Are shyness and glossophobia the same thing?

    Fear of public speaking, or glossophobia, is distinguished from shyness by the powerful, often incapacitating, fear it produces. At its worst it will end in a panic attack when talking. So glossophobia is way beyond shyness or butterflies. People with glossophobia experience hardcore white-knuckle dread and fear: they are not just shy or mildly anxious about talking to people or groups of people, they are terrified about talking in public. 

  • What are the physical symptoms of glossophobia?

    The physical symptoms of glossophobia can be highly distressing, including rapid heartbeat, sweating, shaking, dry mouth, nausea, muscle tension, shortness of breath, dizziness, and blushing.  These feelings may be present for some time before the event – days, weeks and even months beforehand. The symptoms progressively build up, potentially leading to panic before or during the speech itself.

    Read more about: The Spotlight Effect

  • What are the psychological symptoms of glossophobia?

    The psychological symptoms of glossophobia include intense anxiety, fear, panic, excessive negative thoughts, fear of judgment, low self-confidence, fear of embarrassment, difficulty concentrating, avoidance of public speaking, obsessive rumination, post-event critiquing, anticipatory anxiety, and potential panic attacks. Sufferers are plagued by irrational thoughts and imagined worst-case scenarios, impacting confidence and cognitive abilities. The anxiety persists without treatment, imposing a major psychological burden.

    Read more about: The signs and symtoms of public speakig phobia

  • In what situations do people experience glossophobia?

    The symptoms of glossophobia, or public speaking fear and anxiety, can trigger in many situations. At work this can be in presentations, meetings (even one-to-ones), calls, interviews and introducing oneself in a meeting or on a course. Socially the fear can be experienced at weddings, funerals or other family events (even in party games). It can also be when performing or acting on a stage in front of an audience.

  • How common is public speaking phobia?

    Public speaking phobia, or glossophobia, is very common and ranks as one of the greatest fears. Around 75% of people experience some level of anxiety or nerves when it comes to speaking in public. But for hardcore glossophobia  - with symptoms involving dread, panic and avoidance - it seems to be about 20 to 30%. That still means that in a meeting of 10 people, two are likely to be very anxious and uncomfortable about talking. 

    National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.). Specific Phobia. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/anxiety-disorders/index.shtml#part_145354

    Gallup: American’s Top Fears


  • Is glossophobia a social anxiety disorder?

    Technically, glossophobia falls under the much wider umbrella of social anxiety disorders. But this label may be unhelpful. Because most people with a fear of public speaking have simply picked up very specific anxiety responses to specific speaking situations. They are often otherwise confident at work and socially. So labeling them with social anxiety may lead them to seek treatment and therapy not specifically directed at, or relevant to, public speaking phobia.

    Read more about: Is Glossophobia a Social Anxiety?

    Find out more about: Public speaking phobia

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